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OSTF Minutes 12-03-12
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        December 3, 2012                   
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Herb Asplund, Louise Evans, Michael Gantick, Carol Heffler, Betty Warren, George Caye, David Romejko,Roy Normen, Bart Pacekonis
John Caldwell

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes 0f 10/01/12 were accepted.

New Business

Pat Botteron spoke about the Dairy Queen parking lot.  She was told by Michele Lipe, Town Planner, that an appraisal needed to be done and the money for the appraisal would come out of Open Space referendum money. The parking lot would be gravel for the time being.

Carol Heffler wanted to know why the money was coming out of the Open Space. Many members wanted to understand why an appraisal was necessary.  One was done when the property was reviewed and that should be all that we are responsible for.  Bart Pacekonis and Mike Gantick did not know why another appraisal would be required.  The cost of an appraisal would be around $2,000-4,000. Mike Gantick called Michelle Lipe and Michelle told him the improvements done by DQ would outweigh the costs of the appraisal and that it was Matt Galligan, Town Manager’s decision to use Open Space referendum money. Carol, along with other members, felt the referendum money was not a town slush fund.  

Roy Normen had sent an email earlier in which he felt the town should sell the piece of property that Dairy Queen wants for the parking.  The town could then get an easement to use the lot for parking. Many of the members felt that would not work as well as maintaining the ownership of the property. Betty Warren felt the town would be dependent on the owners of DQ.  The P&Z approval should include permanent access by the town.  Louise Evans looked at access management and there would only be the current entrance. Liability on the property was discussed and this should be part of the P&Z discussion when the application comes forward.

Pat Botteron will write a memo to Michelle Lipe, Matt Galligan and the Town Council   expressing our concerns about the funding of the appraisal.  Since new appraisals have been done for assessment purposes, this should be considered in lieu of spending more money for another appraisal.  The letter should include making sure there is a reverter clause if the Town Council decides to sell the property and our concern over liability.    `

Pat Botteron reviewed the survey done by P&Z.  The residents are in favor of more farmland, open space and hiking trails along the CT River.  The discussion turned to the trails near Hartford Hospital building.  Parking appears to be an issue.  Herb Asplund and John Caldwell said the parking lot was near Mother Goose Day Care.

A draft ordinance was sent to everyone for review.  There were sections that members felt should not be part of the ordinance. A copy of the current ordinance (ord. 136, updated to 162) was handed out.   Pat Botteron wanted a consensus about which group do we take direction from and it was unanimous that the Town Council would be responsible. The draft had no mention of open space subdivisions Carol wants Jeff to make sure we have all the information relating to the ordinance emailed to everyone.  Betty Warren felt mailing it would be good also.  Members are to review the draft and the current ordinance.  The item was tabled for discussion at the next meeting.


Matt Galligan told Pat Botteron that the owner of the Gorski property has over $12,000 in back taxes to be paid. There has been no activity due to the tax situation.

Herb Asplund said the Land Trust will accept the Neiderwerfer property but it will be a long process with the Audubon Society.

There is no activity on the Cornerstone issue and the Jones property.

King Street will be in executive session tonight at the Town Council meeting.


Pat Botteron said there is a spending freeze.  We have only 3 bags left but we cannot get new ones right now.

Pat Botteron read a letter she wrote in support of the South Windsor Food Alliance.


Pat Botteron read a thank you letter from Joan Walsh.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00.

Our next meeting will be January 7th.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen